Podcast Caramuel – The Byrds & Gene Clark
6 octubre, 2020 / Comentar
Comienzo de temporada después de tres meses. Gene Clark genio compositivo que nutrió primero a los Byrds de excelentes temas, para después hacer lo mismo en solitario, con una obra maestra No Other. Podcast basado en el libro “Gene Clark, vuela hacia el sol” escrito por Álvaro Alonso con prólogo del propio hijo de Gene Clark y repasamos sus diferentes etapas musicales.
Dillard & Clark. Something’s Wrong >< The Jet Set. Airport Song >< The Byrds. I’ll Fell a Whole Lot Better >< The Byrds. I Knew I Want You >< The Byrds. Here Without You >< The Byrds. You Won’t Have To Cry >< The Byrds. Set You Free This Time >< The Byrds. Why >< Gene Clark with the Gosdin Brothers. Keep On Pushing >< Gene Clark with the Gosdin Brothers. Is Yours Is Mine >< Gene Clark. Echoes >< Gene Clark. On Her Own >< The Byrds. Get To You >< Dillard & Clark. In The Plan >< Dillard & Clark. Out On The Side >< Dillard & Clark. Why Not Your Baby? >< Dillard & Clark. Polly >< Gene Clark. Because Of You >< Gene Clark. One In a Hundred >< Gene Clark. Full Circle Song >< Gene Clark. Here Tonight >< Gen Clark. Life’s Greatest Fool >< Gene Clark. Strength of Strings >< Gene Clark. No Other >< Gene Clark. More Than That Now >< Gene Clark. Sister Moon.